Challenges to use an interdisciplinary task in logistics and english teaching: an analysis of a performance test

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Eliana Kobayashi
David Eugênio Angelo Lima
Adriano Maniçoba Silva


In language performance assessment it is assumed that the best way to assess one’s proficiency is to make her/him show such proficiency in a direct way in a situation close to the reality. Such view contrasts with knowledge testing which assesses language in an indirect way. This research objective is to discuss the development and application of an interdisciplinary task connecting two school subjects – English Language and Logistics – in a performance language test, investigating the correlation between these two subjects’ scores. This study uses qualitative method in order to build the test task and criteria and quantitative one to analyze the test scores. The research was developed in a public educational institution located in São Paulo metropolitan region and the results show that there is no correlation of the mean score between English language and Logistics subjects and students face more difficulties in using English than approaching the task topic content.


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Author Biographies

Eliana Kobayashi, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo

Eliana Kobayashi holds a Master and Doctorate degrees in Applied Linguistics from Unicamp and a bachelor’s degree in Social Communication from Unesp. She has conducted research on language assessment and English teacher training for University of Cambridge. She has also worked in Communication area in companies in Brazil and overseas. Currently she is a language professor at Instituto Federal de São Paulo and conducts research in English language assessment and English language in internationalization.

David Eugênio Angelo Lima, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo

David E. A. de Lima holds a Master degree in Public Policies, specializations in Business Strategic Management, Project Management and Public Management areas and a bachelor degree in Business Management. He has conducted research in entrepreneurial behavior and worked in business and management areas for SENAI, Centro Paula Souza, Faculdades Unidades Metropolitanas, Instituto Federal de São Paulo. He is also the leader of the GRUPO DE EMPREENDEDORES DO FUTURO project and delivers lectures, seminars and workshops in schools, colleges and companies in order to encourage and develop entrepreneurial behavior and youth leadership.

Adriano Maniçoba Silva, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo

Adriano Maniçoba da Silva is Graduated in Business Administration at Faculdade do Litoral Sul Paulista (2005), Master in Business Administration at Universidade Católica de Santos (2008) and PhD in Business Administration at FEA / USP (2015). Currently is full professor at Federal Institute of São Paulo - Suzano Campus. Has experience in leadership and participation in research and scientific initiation projects in the Administration area, with an emphasis on Production and Operations, Logistics, Economics of Organizations and Economics of Education. Has published works in national and international journals and events. Also is reviewer of international journals and events. Recently, he has worked in the Behavioral Operations area.


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