Ethnography in organizational studies: a reflection on the importance of performance evaluation in tourism

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Rogeane Morais Ribeiro
Ruan Carlos dos Santos
Maria do Socorro Silva Mesquita
Cristiane Saboia Barros


The present research aims to understand the feasibility of developing a multidimensional model of performance evaluation for organizational control in companies through ethnographic research. Thus, a bibliographic analysis of the studies presented in the four main events of the Brazilian organizational studies – the Colloquium of Epistemology and Sociology of Administration Science, CBEO, EnANPAD and EnEO - and in the research bases SPELL and EBSCO. The measurement of performance in a company has become a relevant subject for both academic research and practical application, because organizational control of organizational control serves to evaluate and improve the various organizational processes to establish goals and achieve performance standards that become competitive in the market. Given this context, we can see that there is a vast possibility of development in this field, through an ethnographic research, through an investigation capable of showing practices, people, groups, cultures and networks of social relations that participate differently from the tourist market, since the environment in which companies are increasingly turbulent and unstable, and decision makers are constantly seeking methods to achieve improvements in organizational performance. In this sense, it is concluded that this research offers theoretical information that can help in future studies that seek to develop a multidimensional model of indicators, besides being a source of data on the diversity of organizational indicators.


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Author Biographies

Rogeane Morais Ribeiro, FACULDADE LUCIANO FEIJÃO/Coordinator of the Administration UNIVALI/Postgraduate Program in Administration

Graduation in Accounting Sciences from the Vale do Acaraú State University (UVA-2001). Post-graduation in Public and Private Management Accounting by UVA (2002). Post-graduation in Marketing by UVA (2008). Master in Public Policy Management and Higher Education from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC-2011). PhD student in Administration from the University of Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI. Participant of the research groups - Directory of Research Groups in Brazil (DGP): Nucleus of Research in Management Technology (NuTeG) of the University Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI; Research Group on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Sustainability and the Environment of Luciano Feijão Faculty (FLF); Intention and Entrepreneurial Education A student of Luciano Feijão Faculty (FLF). He has experience in Cost Management, Performance Evaluation, Strategic Scenarios and Research Methodology. She is currently coordinator of the Management Course at Luciano Feijão Faculty - FLF. Reviewer of the journal REGEA, RCA, G & T, contributed to the evaluation of the SemeAD and EGEPE event articles.

Ruan Carlos dos Santos, UniAvan/Professor

Doutorando em Administração pela UNIVALI. Mestre em Administração de Empresas pela UNIVALI. Especialista em Metodologia de Ensino de Filosofia e Sociologia pela FCV. Especialista em Gestão Empresarial pela FAPAG. Especialista em EAD e Metodologia Superior pela UNISOCIESC. Licenciatura em Filosofia e Ciências Sociais pela FAERPI.
Bacharelando em Administração pela UFSC. Bacharel em Teologia pela FACASC. Bacharel em Filosofia pela UNISUL
Membro do Grupo. Estudos de Estratégia e Performance (GEEP) do CNPQ / UNIVALI

Maria do Socorro Silva Mesquita, University of Ceará-UFC/ Doctorate in the Program Posgratuation in AdministrationFACULDADE ARI DE SA/ Coordinator of the Course of Accounting Sciences in EAD

Master in Administration and Controllership from the Federal University of Ceará / UFC (2010). Specialist in Public and Private Management Accounting by the Vale do Acaraú State University / UVA (2000). He holds a degree in Accounting from the Vale do Acaraú State University (1998). Assistant of Management in Higher Education in the Pro-Rector's Office of Planning (PROPLAN) and member of the UVA's Evaluation Committee (CPA). Experience in Higher Education with emphasis in the area of Administration and Pedagogical Coordination of courses in Administration and Accounting Sciences. It develops research on the themes: control, environmental management, public policies and sustainable development. PhD student in the Administration and Controllership Program of the Federal University of Ceará (PPAC / UFC).

Cristiane Saboia Barros, IFCE/ Professor Guest in the Specialization Program in Business ManagementUNIVATES/ Doctorate in the Program Posgratuation in Administration

Graduate at Management from Vale do Acaraú State University (2004) and master's at Administration from Universidade Federal do Ceará (2007). Has experience in Administration, acting on the following subjects: entrepreneurship, management, leadership, teams and people management. Doctorate in Environment and Development from Univates (2016). She is currently a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará - IFCE.


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