Direct and indirect impact of aesthetics on intention to buy smartphones
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This study aims to measure the direct and indirect impact of aesthetics on consumers' intention to buy smartphones through perceived value in the context of research in Vietnam. The research data conducted through three surveys: The first one is expert survey and group discussions to explore and adjust the scales. The second one is that the authors conducted a pilot study with 100 customers in Ho Chi Minh City to evaluate the reliability of scales, the last one is that the authors survey directly 200 customers and send 100 online surveys. And 275 valid observations with Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were conducted to find a direct and indirect impact on the intention to buy smartphones. The main results show that aesthetic has a direct and indirect impact on the intention to buy smartphones. The strongest influence is the indirect impact of aesthetics on the intention to purchase through social value; the second strong impact is the direct impact of aesthetics on the intention to buy, the two weakest indirect effects is through functional value and emotional value respectively. Based on the research results, the product developer can adjust the properties of aesthetics, and at the same time looking the ways to increase the perceived value of customers; thereby increasing revenue in selling smartphones.
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