Simulation and analysis of queues in banks: a case study of an agency in the southern State of Rio de Janeiro
Main Article Content
An in-depth study of wait times in queues has become a factor of the banks' full interest for service improvements and reduced operating costs. When the demand is greater than the capacity offered the queue is formed, that is, queuing system is any process where a distinct group waits for a service. When there is adequate management, customer waiting time can be minimized, resulting in customer satisfaction and hence higher profitability. In view of this, the present work proposes a study of the flow of clients in an agency banking in the southern state of Rio de Janeiro. This work uses the qualitative and quantitative approach. The research is classified as descriptive, explanatory, bibliographical and case study. This work also presents the main concepts about simulation, modeling, specifically, in the Arena software, and describes the method of how the data were obtained for the construction of the model. The model simulates the capacity rate, number of customers in the queue, time of service and waiting time at which the customer can be subject at the agency banking. With such a study, we can analyze the behavior of queues in the system and thus propose improvements in order to guarantee the best scenario for both organization and customer satisfaction.
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