Value co-creation: a study of life quality at an university in the south Brazil
Main Article Content
This article aimed to analyze the life quality in a private higher education institution, from the point of view of students, through the value co-creation in higher education. Methodologically, research is characterized as a case study, and the unit of analysis was a University located in the Rio Pardo/RS Valley, in the south of Brazil where five students from the courses of administration and accounting sciences were selected to apply the research. The data collection was done through interviews, carried out through there is a script of questions previously established. The results highlight that the life quality in the university is directly related to the co-creation, on the one hand there is the desire to learn from the students and on the other the quality of the information that is passed on to them. The research also shows that the quality of life in the University is directly linked to student satisfaction and value creation, resulting from individual or joint actions (institution, professor and student).
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