Branislav Mitic, PhD
ITS Information High School, Republic of Serbia
Mladen Ivić, PhD
Faculty of Economics, UPIM, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Submission: 23/02/2016
Accept: 08/03/2016
One of the most
important conditions for succesful prosess of economy restructuring and
efficient return into the global market framework of transition countries from
Central and
Foreign Direct Investments, European transition countries, Exports,
High-tech exports, Correlation,
Strategy, Competitiveness.
to statistical data (UNCTAD,
2014) regarding global
flows of foreign direct investment
- FDI, there is cautious
optimism about current level of
FDI inflow and also about estimates for the next period. In developed countries, FDI flows recorded growth in 2013
(by 9%) and now they
are at a level of 566 billion $, accounting
for 39% of the global total
FDI inflows, while developing economies are new on their maximum of up to 778 billion
$, which represents 54% of total
FDI globally. Transition and developing countries now account for half of
the top 20 countries ranked according
to the FDI inflows. At the same time, output FDI flows of
developing countries also recorded a record level.
direct investment flows in
transition countries are at
record levels, recorded a growth of 28% and in 2013 reached
the level of 113 billion $ (UNCTAD, 2014B).
In the region of Southeast Europe
in mind all these conditions on a
global level, from the aspect of FDI,
as well as the mentioned position of all European transition countries, in this study
we examined the impact of FDI on
export performance, in the domain of
goods and high-tech
exports. The study begin with the hypothesis that there is a strong correlation between FDI inflows on the one hand, and exports of goods and
high-tech exports on the other. So, this means the assumption is that FDI contributed to the
strengthening of export performance of transition economies in the last two
analysis refers to eleven
countries from the region of
Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Countries are
different not only by the inward FDI stock, but also by many other indicators. For example, macroeconomic indicators vary significantly from country to country: according
to data for 2013 (UNCTADSTAT,
The first part of this work discusses the theoretical
frameworks of research, based
on the results of relevant studies
from the previous period. In the next
segment of work, we are explaining the sources of data used for calculations in
this paper, with mentioning different recommendations and experiences of other
authors regarding statistical series. We analyze the differences among the
countries that are the subject of our research, with a focus on macroeconomic
indicators which are relevant to our calculations. Research methodology applied
in this study is particularly explained, as well as the problem with time-lag,
which is unknown factor not only in this study but also in many other studies
in this field. In the next part we present results of our research, diversified
into two segments: the relationship between FDI and exports of goods and
between FDI and high-tech exports. Finally, we
are giving concluding remarks with some guidelines for the future.
Taking into account the findings of
previous research works, first we will look at the results related to the
impact of foreign direct investment in overall economic growth, in transition
countries as well as in developing countries at all. Results of many earlier
studies refers to a positive impact of FDI. Asteriou, Dassiou and Glycopantis,
based on the theoretical model, finds a positive relationship between FDI and
economic growth (ASTERIOU; DASSIOU; GLYCOPANTIS, 2005).
It should be noted that in the
transition countries still present both politically and risks of institutional
character, which is particularly in connection to the less protection of
creditors; mentioned determinants may even affect
negatively on attracting FDI, viewed in the longer term (ALFARO; ÖZCAN;
Ahmadi and Ghanbarzadeh (2011) note
that developing countries probably still do not have adequate investment policy
to attract more FDI, or even, as the authors note, this policy is completely
wrong conceived (AHMADI; GHANBARZADEH, 2011). For European countries in
transition, relationship with the EU is
very significant. The impact of the EU accession process on the FDI inflow in
European transition countries are examined by Bevan and Estrin, in a study
related to 11 countries in transition (BEVAN; ESTRIN, 2000).
Based on the results of regression
analysis, they concluded that there is a direct impact of the integration
process on FDI inflow in European transition countries, and correlation was
positive. The authors also showed
the process of joining
the EU
did not have a direct
on credit rating of transition countries, but
that the dynamics of this process involves a certain time-lag.
Consequently, this
impact can be
defined as
indirect: the
influence of the increase in FDI inflows, after a certain period of
obvious increase of overall
performance, which improves the ranking of countries in terms of credit rating, and this increase in credit rating indicates a positive impact on the
growth of
FDI inflow. FDI positively affect the growth of
the economy of developing countries, while in the case of developed countries,
the effects are much less evident (JOHNSON, 2005).
Acaravci and Ozturk (2012) analyzed
the causal relationship between economic growth, exports and foreign direct
investment in ten European transition countries that are members of the EU[1] (ACARAVCI;
OZTURK, 2012). Results of this study indicate that the prospects for overall
economic growth depend on the implemented policies to promote foreign direct
investments. The authors emphasize that the most effective way to attract FDI
is to focus on free trade zone, trade
regime, tax benefits, human capital in the host country, regulations of financial markets, financial
system and the quality of infrastructure.
The positive impact of FDI inflows
as a result of empirical studies, therefore, as already mentioned, is often
figure in the research results, but it certainly does not mean that there are
no some opposing viewpoints. Stančik (2007) analyzed the horizontal and
vertical spillover effects of foreign direct investment in the Czech Republic (STANČIK,
The author gave an explicit
statement that foreign investors negatively affect the performance of domestic
companies and considers that domestic companies basically do not have the
capacity to achieve a satisfactory level of competitiveness; this is
particularly evident in intra-sectorial analysis. Bilas also finds that FDI
affect the displacement of domestic companies from the market due to intensive
competition in the market (BILAS, 2006); moreover, the deterioration of the
current account balance is evident, if the newly created company imported more
goods; also there are disturbances in the labor market. Lipsey also emphasizes
the negative impact of FDI on economic growth (LIPSEY, 2002).
Pejaković, on the other hand, does
not deny the positive effects of FDI on economic growth and strengthening
competitiveness but he notes that FDI can not be the answer to all problems that
countries in transition are faced with; he further points out that a clear
economic development strategy of the country is necessary, with the
incorporated strategy of attracting FDI (PEJAKOVIĆ, 2011).
Considering the impact of FDI on
exports of European transition countries, we must primarily have in mind the
initial conditions of these economies, together with the fact that many of
these countries, before the collapse of
There are different influences on
the structure of goods exchange, and European transition countries had
different results in this field: some of them have succeeded and significantly
changed the structure of exports while the other faced with the growing
imbalance in the international exchange of goods; in addition, there is
evidence of a positive relationship between FDI, the level of specialization
and changes in export structure in favor of products with higher value added. (LOVRINČEVIĆ;
For all developing countries, the
impact of FDI on exports is also important in terms of defining the relevant
strategies; FDI can strongly influence the growth of exports (SHAW; SHEN, 2013).
Kaminski and Riboud warns that it is not disputed that higher potential
economic growth attracts capital investment, but we should not forget that
these effects occur with a time lag, while this effect does not diminish their
importance; also, a negative impact on the current account is particularly
present when FDI are aimed at producing for the domestic market, particularly
in an effort to bypass customs. (KAMINSKI; RIBOUD, 2000).
The impact of FDI on the
acceleration of productivity is considerably more evident in the case of
economically developed countries, but the positive impact of FDI over time
becomes more significant in terms of international trade relations for European
transition countries (BAČIĆ; RAČIĆ;
ŠONJE, 2004). EU membership was a key factor for attracting FDI and for
foreign trade of countries in
transition, including the shift of exports towards higher stages of production
(KAMINSKI, 2000).
In the fifteen-year period, starting
with 1994, including fifteen European transition countries, the FDI inflows and
exports are positively correlated and complementary; at the same time, the
correlation coefficients has slightly higher values than in the case study of
the relationship between FDI and
Regarding the impact on industrial
exports, the results of an UNCTAD study explicitly indicate that between FDI
and industrial export there is a positive and significant correlation; also,
FDI impact would be higher if the export could be much more technological
intensive;[3] so, conclusion
of this study is that the impact of FDI is evident, primarily in technology
intensive exports (UNCTAD, 1999).
Taking into account the mutual
relations of FDI,
The research presented in this paper
includes eleven European transition countries: Albania, B&H - Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania,
Slovakia and Slovenia. Sources of statistical series are as following: for
inward FDI flows, expressed on an annual basis in the mill. $ (UNCTAD, 2014c),
the value of merchandise exports, expressed on an annual basis in the mill. $
at current prices (UNCTADSTAT, 2015), and for high-tech exports, expressed on
an annual basis in the mill. $ at current prices (WORLD BANK, 2015).
For foreign direct investment and
exports, correlation analysis covers the period 1993-2013. - for B&H, data
series is available for the period 1998-2013. For the second segment of this
research, correlation analysis between SDI and high-tech exports, the series is
slightly limited by data available for high-tech exports, involving the period
1996-2012. with the exception of Bosnia and Herzegovina: 2003-2012.
Regarding statistical data that are
the basis for calculations of interdependence and influence of FDI on
macroeconomic indicators, the authors in some previous studies suggest that
results may lose its relevance when the analysis takes too many countries that
are at the same time at different stages and at different levels of economic
development, which points to the necessity to separate data series for the
developed countries and the developing countries (Johnson, A., 2005). This
author also recommends to avoid short time series, due to the effects of
short-term business cycles. Variations in the results often have a cause in
econometric methods which are used, as well as in the variables, that can be
taken in nominal or real terms (AHMADI; GHANBARZADEH, 2011).
For correlation analysis in this
study we used the coefficient of linear correlation between two variables in
the sample, or the Pearson correlation coefficient (r), which is calculated as:
As we have already mentioned in the
Introduction of this work, eleven European countries in transition, that are in
focus of our research, have different macroeconomic indicators and they are at
different levels of economic development. Except the difference in
Figure 1: FDI inward stock, 2013.
(Millions of US$)
UNCTAD, (2014) “World Investment Report JUNE 2014”, Webtable 3. (
From the aspect of FDI, it is
interesting to analyze the cumulative inward FDI in relation to
Figure 2: FDI inward
stock as a percentage of
UNCTAD, (2014) “World Investment Report JUNE 2014”, Webtable 7. (
According to high-tech exports data
(Chart in Figure 3), Hungary and the Czech Republic are clearly distinguishable
in relation to other countries.
Figure 3: High-technology exports, Czesh
Republic and Hungary v.s. other nine countries, 1996-2012 (current US$, in
Source: World
Bank, (2015): World Bank Database;
(19.02.2015.; 02.11)
Those two countries, previously
mentioned, have a higher total values of this indicator in relation to all the
other nine countries. What is even more interesting to notice, apart from this
fact, is that during the whole period, earlier mentioned discrepancy between
the two countries and other transition countries, noticeably increased.
The problem of time-lag is
essentially evident when analyzing the correlation of FDI with any
macroeconomic indicator. The reason for this is that from the moment of
placement, the effects of foreign direct investments delayed for a certain
period of time, which is difficult to identify in terms of the length of its
duration. Also, the time-lag varies from country to country, so that fact
further complicates its inclusion in econometric study.
Nunenkamp, in correlation analysis
applied to 28 developing countries,
examinated the connection between FDI flows and
Many authors in their studies
highlight the problem of time-lag as unknown; in some studies it does not even
take into account, while the other usually calculated with a time-lag of one or
two years, and for all countries linearly. This is the reason why, in a number
of econometric analysis, conclusion is that difference in the final results
could be possible if the different time-lag is calculated.
Regarding the impact of FDI on
exports, the results of correlation analysis showed that correlation exist
between these two variables, although there is evidence of a certain variation
among countries (see the table, Table 1). Pearson's correlation with
respectable level of significance is evident in Bosnia and Herzegovina and
Bulgaria (
Table 1: Results of correlation analysis: SDI / exports
The mean value of FDI inflows |
The standard deviation of FDI inflows |
The mean value of merchandise exports |
The standard deviation of merchandise exports |
Pearson's correlation |
Pearson's correlation |
Albania |
411.8857 |
409.38118 |
762.6005 |
694.21709 |
0,938930528** |
0,912386905** |
B&H |
452.4875 |
426.64244 |
2996.7063 |
1943.24767 |
0,427737888 |
0,490109874 |
Bulgaria |
2570.5810 |
3383.82346 |
12060.7857 |
8951.75594 |
0,419500108 |
0,467635867 |
Czech Rep. |
4829.3190 |
3082.18951 |
73256.2095 |
55056.97794 |
0,389474043 |
0,455402174 |
Estonia |
968.5714 |
846.50211 |
7121.8381 |
5191.24759 |
0,53905395* |
0,648809047* |
Croatia |
1598.6048 |
1556.62358 |
7807.0352 |
3718.89362 |
0,613511999** |
0,613364593* |
Hungary |
4345.9048 |
2800.95287 |
54840.5714 |
37650.63689 |
0,446587747* |
0,466443812 |
Poland |
9279.5857 |
6319.13560 |
84805.2381 |
66791.29615 |
0,62263766** |
0,749034062* |
Romania |
3606.1095 |
3912.55271 |
26486.3643 |
20782.48324 |
0,49556447* |
0,51658464 |
Slovakia |
2338.2762 |
1893.96871 |
34244.0524 |
28732.71258 |
0,255876282 |
0,400103222 |
Slovenia |
567.2619 |
543.93681 |
17912.4238 |
10806.17435 |
0,519523252* |
0,444921644 |
* Correlation
is significant at
the 0.05 level
** Correlation is
significant at the 0.01 level
What should be noted and what
attracts attention, is that the taking in account a time-lag of one year, as a
result has higher values of Pearson's coefficient for eight out of eleven
analyzed transition countries (worse score is only in the
case of Albania, Croatia and Slovenia). So,
countries with a significant increase in FDI inflows, with taking in account a time-lag
of one year, recorded higher Pearson's coefficient when we are talking about
merchandise exports.
Table 2: Results of correlation analysis: SDI / high-tech exports
The mean value of FDI inflows |
The standard deviation of FDI inflows |
The mean value of |
The standard deviation of |
Pearson's correlation |
Pearson's correlation |
Albania |
425.4706 |
381.02490 |
4.1065 |
2.78624 |
0,771382862** |
0,613550049** |
B&H |
613.4400 |
470.41870 |
62.0660 |
38.67518 |
0,185728847 |
0,67410578 |
Bulgaria |
3076.2353 |
3577.45980 |
403.7059 |
340.61296 |
0,395120809 |
0,523566136 |
Czech Rep. |
5431.8647 |
3015.90653 |
9507.4294 |
7464.62934 |
0,238818511 |
0,230757802 |
Estonia |
1106.3941 |
873.42102 |
605.2529 |
374.52325 |
0,187032557 |
0,174001719 |
Croatia |
1921.2118 |
1561.38855 |
538.2529 |
212.04368 |
0,551257634* |
0,574370165* |
Hungary |
4675.4706 |
2947.82482 |
11432.8353 |
6611.78317 |
0,32130827 |
0,224329009 |
Poland |
10681.4471 |
6179.95339 |
3322.7941 |
3199.88696 |
0,481096702 |
0,74225577 |
Romania |
4191.6176 |
4086.40890 |
1412.4294 |
1523.00183 |
0,205272371 |
0,376450186 |
Slovakia |
2675.9647 |
1898.80956 |
1879.6059 |
1807.04294 |
0,239217306 |
0,243812034 |
Slovenia |
638.4294 |
572.06158 |
820.0353 |
431.42165 |
0,4664686 |
0,60007078 |
* Correlation
is significant at
the 0.05 level
** Correlation is
significant at the 0.01 level
Researching the connection of inward
FDI with high-tech exports, the result indicate a stronger interdependence
between these two variables, with much higher level of statistical significance
(Correlation results are presented in the table in Table 2). With the exception
of Albania, which has a maximum value of Pearson's coefficient (0.771382862)
but with low statistical significance, and Croatia (0.551257634 with
significance level of 0.05), Poland and Slovenia recorded the highest values
of correlation (0.481096702 and 0.4664686, respectively). Results of
analysis, therefore, indicate a significant level of correlation between FDI and high-tech exports.
Unlike the previous analysis, where
we have examinated the impact of FDI on exports, the influence of the time-lag
of one year is a little less pronounced. Namely, four countries (Albania, Czech
Republic, Estonia and Hungary) do not have larger values Pearson's coefficient
when we took in account a time-lag, while the most dramatic increase of the
degree of correlation we found in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Poland
(up to 0.488 and 0.261 for, respectively).
Analysis results that are presented
in this paper generally indicate a significant level of correlation between FDI
and export of goods, with the stronger correlation in the case of high-tech
exports. These results confirm the hypothesis set at the beginning of the
research that there is an correlation between FDI inflows on the one side and
export of goods and high-tech exports on the other. We have taken into
consideration recommendations of other authors to use much longer time series
for calculation (Pearson’s coefficient was calculated for the time series of 21
and 17 years), as well as we accepted suggestions to do the calculation with
time-lag, regardless of controversy (discussed in the previous part of the
paper) which relate to certain unknowns about time-lag.
Consequently to the results of this
research, we can give some guidelines for growth of FDI invested in
export-oriented activities, which are primarily associated with the political
stability in the region. Qualitative index of political risk is an important
determinant of FDI inflows. This is primarily concerning countries that are in
the accession process but not yet become EU members, and considering the links
between these economies with the EU market.
Based on past experiences, it should
be pointed that European integration agreements increased the credibility of
the governments in transition countries in terms of commitment to reforms and
focusing on the opening of their economies. Another important precondition for
attracting FDI is a constant work to improve the legal and institutional
environment, together with
simplification of administrative procedures.
For countries that made significant
progress during the transition process (according to their macroeconomic
indicators), which primarily refers to Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland,
Slovakia and Slovenia, it is necessary
to resolve regional disparities of economic development and increasing
the efficiency of local governments, especially in the field of regional
infrastructure. Level of infrastructure development is, generally speaking, an
essential prerequisite in terms of attracting
FDI, which significantly determines the attractiveness of a country. In
particular, we want to underline the necessity of intensive implementation of
specific development tools (industrial and technology parks, free zones), in
order to stimulate FDI inflows, especialy export-oriented.
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[1] Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
[2] Warsaw Pact, signed in 1955; member states: SSSR (the Soviet Union), Romania, Bulgaria,
[3] According to the results of
this UNCTAD study: FDI are extremely important
for technology intensive exports, with the elasticity
of 0.78, which
means that 1% increase in FDI per capita leads to
a rise in technology intensive
exports to 0.78%.